Beliefs such as Feng Shui which tend to lead the Islamic ummah to kesyirikan often trusted and applied our Muslim community in his home or interior design of homes and businesses. In fact needs to be understood and sorted out once the goals and objectives, only then retrieved and used. Which is not compatible with Islam abandoned and allowed please wear them.
One example of this in Feng Shui or commonly called the Hong Shui that began to bloom in this country early in the year 1997/1998. At that time, in Feng Shui, in 1998 was a year of tiger.According to their experts, the year of the tiger is ready for the hard years of human grasping. For that effort is needed to mute it. One way is by displaying the emerald bamboo plant dracaena sanderiana aka they call bamboo or lucky bamboo sustenance in every home, office and place of business. And to bring safety and luck it is used Pachira plant is placed in each corner of the room.
Chinese society who believe in Confucianism is believe this and no doubt in early 1998 to make the demand for these plants jumped dramatically. That unfortunately, our Muslim community, including the entrepreneur bandwagon talkative with trust and helped place it. This is very sad. Especially coupled with the disaster at the time of monetary crisis that hit this country that occurred in late 1997. It further exacerbates their anxiety toward wealth duniawiyah they try, so that their faith eroded and fell to kesyirikan and almost forgotten God azzawajalla as the sole provider provision where requested.
Not fitting we as Muslims do so. Things like this should be corrected because it is contrary to Islam. If we believe that trust with a strong conviction, the law could fall to shirk. And the sin of shirk can remove people from Islam. Actors will kesyirikan status as a musryik, although he still praying, fasting and other acts of worship, but in God's eyes he is not a Muslim Subhanahuwata'ala again and rejected all the deeds that he did. Let us take refuge in Allah azzawajalla of shirk.
Allah says in Surah An-Nisaa ':
إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء ومن يشرك بالله فقد افترى إثما عظيما.
النساء: 48 -
"Verily Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk, and He forgives all sins other than (shirk), for whom He wills. Those who ascribe Allah, then indeed he has committed a great sin."
(An-Nisaa ': 48)
أللهم إني أعوذ بك أن أشرك بك وأنا أعلم وأستغفرك لما لا أعلم.
رواه أحمد وصححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب 1 / 19 -
"O Allah, we seek refuge in You from shirk that we know and we ask your forgiveness of what we do not know."
(Narrated by Ahmad and dishahihkan by Albani in Saheeh at-Targhib, 1 / 19)
Remember, emerald bamboo plant bamboo alias sustenance can not hamper or bring luck and fortune. Bamboo emerald is a type of bamboo that is named emerald. He is the only bamboo and bamboo, one of the thousands of plant species other plant species. He can be placed anywhere in every inch of our house which we think is beautiful to be placed. If we do not want it, he can be discarded or you give to a neighbor. There is no privilege nothing to him. Moreover, can bring good fortune.
Likewise Pachira plant. He could not bring safety and luck. He is just a plant of many plant species existing subhanahuwata'ala God's creation. The belief by placing it in every corner of the house can bring luck and fortune quite impossible to believe. Especially for Muslims and people who have sense. How can he bring sustenance to humans, giving fortune and luck to herself she could not afford. Do not believe? You do not try these plants Water the fertilizer and water for several weeks. Whether he can bring good fortune for himself?
As a Muslim, we must believe that only God alone subhanahuwat'ala sole giver sustenance, bring safety and luck. Not the other. Not the emerald bamboo. Not Pachira plant. Not the other. If we want to overflow of sustenance and safety, raise your hand, facing the Qiblah and prayed to Him. Ber'doalah at times answered to pray as the time between Azaan and ikhomah, at the time of prostration and bowing in prayer, fasting while implementing mandatory or voluntary and the third time last night.And after praying, do not forget the effort / try and resignation to him. Hopefully, God will grant our request azzawajalla because in one hadith the Prophet Shalallahu'alaihi wasallam narrated that Allah subhanahuwata'ala feel ashamed to not grant the prayer of his servant who asked for and raise their hands to Him.
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